Sleep and autism Sleep and autism Sleep and autism 2023-11-11T15:58:10+07:00By Sophaneth HENG, B.Ed, M.Ed|Categories: Autism|Tags: AUTISM, bedtime routine, children, circadian rhythm, communication challenges, daytime behavior problems, learning and cognitive problems, medical conditions, melatonin, mood problems, quality of life, sensory sensitivity, sleep, sleep problems, sleep routine, tips for parents| Sleep is essential for everyone, but it can be [Read More] Read More 0
ADHD and sleep ADHD and sleep ADHD and sleep 2023-09-22T11:08:47+07:00By Sophaneth HENG, B.Ed, M.Ed|Categories: ADHD, Personal Blog|Tags: ADHD, circadian rhythm, melatonin, sleep, sleep hygiene, treatment| People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often experience [Read More] Read More 0